Murder and Mystery at Whodunnit Manor

Whodunnit Manor

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The Mysteries
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Mystery Sample

About the Manor

Whodunnit Manor is situated amidst rich pastures, in verdant forestry, on a bleak mountainside, above a sweeping curve of storm swept beach beside a limpid mere in the mean streets of an embittered city. It is just down the lane from St. Mary Meade, near the Windy City and the bleak tenements of Leith on a tropic isle. It is a palladian mansion, a marcher castle, a longhouse, a nunnery, a country house hotel a nuclear research establishment, a gentlemens' club and an extra-mural studies centre.

Whodunnit Manor is a place where things happen. Unfortunate things. Murders, mostly.

If you are foolish enough to accept an invitation to Whodunnit Manor you must expect to be... no. You mustn't expect anything. It's the unexpected you must fear.

It's a house of mysteries

Sleuths meet to dissect one of our plots. They may actually meet in the flesh to worry at a perverse clue or they may text, chat, telephone or video-conference their suspicions... Whodunnit Manor's servers will prevent them straying too far out of danger. There will be a crime, probably. There will certainly be some unsavoury business to resolve.

You make your moves on-line but you don't play against the computer, you compete with other people. Whodunnit Manor's servers act as umpires, they are there to ensure foul play.

You, acting as a character within the story, will be given clues to the solution. It is upon your decisions that justice rests.



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